Well … we did it! A few sore knees, hips and feet but we achieved what we set out to do…and more.
Jill and Phil blasted the 7 miler and the rest of us ‘plodded’ to 13.1 miles in what were perfect conditions starting out at about 10.45 and getting back to the finish line at just after 3am.
The only downside was that the ‘winner’ of the 20 mile walk beat us by a few minutes – felt a bit embarrassing at the time but she was a speed walker and fit as a fiddle!
Can we say a huge thank you to everyone who supported us for this most worthy of causes.
St Barnabas benefited by over £100,000 on the night and you gave an immense £3261.25 to the cause – stunning, and thank you again.
Our first target was £500; then we set ourselves the target of £1,015 which provided sufficient funds for a week’s hospice care at home for a local person – now look at it – you have raised enough for three weeks hospice care at home for a local person.
What was it all for?
Hospice at Home – The Night to Remember raises funds for St Barnabas Hospice at Home service, which was launched in 2012. The service provides hospice care for patients in their own homes. In 2014 St Barnabas launched the Hospice at Home night service, which allows their team to be there throughout the night, often the most difficult time for patients and their families. The aim of the walk is that by joining together to walk in the midnight walk, we can face the night united and show our support to hundreds of local people and families facing life-limiting illness. This service makes a really big difference to the care experience of local people with over 300 patients and their families being cared for every year. The demand for this service within the local community is growing and with your help we can increase our service and reach more local people.
It would be wrong of us to single out contributors to the cause and we have received sponsorship from our staff and ex staff; from their families and loved ones and friends; from our landlords in Marlborough House; from our Investment partners and from the Investment houses and managers and mortgage providers who we use in the course of our business; from Accountants and Solicitors who introduce clients to us; from the lady who cleans our offices and our designer and…. best of all… from our generous, fantastic clients.
So thank you again from the Plodders – Sarah, Jill, Phil, Maxine, Tracy, Judi and from me, Keith Relf – we’ve all done a very good thing.
… and now onto next year’s project!!